Each and every one of the Sacred Tears serves as a Location Guide for the Elden Ring
They are a means of increasing the level of your tear bottle as well as the effectiveness of the bottle, which makes it possible for each spray to restore more health to you. The amount of health that is restored is determined by the bottle that you select to use, so it is important to choose wisely. By the way, the description will also contain a timestamp for your reference. Let's start our trek to the body tomb from the southern direction, shall we? This is the portion of the peninsula that is commonly referred to as the "crying peninsula."This section of the game is not particularly difficult to play through. The first of these is the pilgrimage church, which can be located on the map and is situated on the side of the Weeping Peninsula that is found in the area that is located in the north central part of the peninsula. As long as you go inside the church and retrieve your sacred layer, you will be able to find it on the Crying Peninsula as well. This is the only req...